Meet The Team


    Benjamin | Executive Director

    Growing up in rural upstate New York, Benjamin fostered a curiosity about the world that shaped what his artistic practice has become today. For years, he worked as a commercial photographer. Lacking a sense of fulfillment in the commercial world, he began conceptualizing multi-layered projects that had roots in photography and incorporate alternative processes, painting and installation. Exploring elements of identity, culture, humanity, and reality; Benjamin’s work often portrays the familiar in a grandiose or fantastical way. He is an explorer, often creating different bodies of work that stem from his own journey towards enlightenment.

  • Hristina Nikolova

    Hristina is a dynamic International Relations scholar, polyglot, and a youth advocate from Bulgaria with a passion for fostering cross-cultural connections and driving positive change. Proficient in six languages, she is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, specializing in International Relations and Global Affairs in Milan, Italy. She has gained valuable work experience in diplomatic outreach, and youth advocacy, underlining her commitment to advancing global cooperation. Her active engagement in various internships, volunteer and membership roles further demonstrates her dedication to making a meaningful impact on society. Hristina believes that the world's biggest treasure it's multiculturalism and therefore she uses it as her main secret weapon in Diplomacy.

  • Arni Gaur

    Arni’s passion for filmmaking has been a lifelong journey, driven by his deep fascination with storytelling and visual artistry. As a film editor, he relishes the opportunity to sculpt raw footage into a compelling narrative. The power of editing to evoke emotions and convey meaning through precise timing and sequencing is what excites him most. He aspires to bring unique perspectives and storytelling techniques to the screen. Directing allows him to meld his understanding of scriptwriting, editing, and cinematography into a cohesive cinematic experience.

  • Kristen Essex

    Originally from Richmond, Virginia, Kristen is an aspiring writer and media director who hopes to bridge the gap between communities around the world to be a positive influence in creating a more harmonious environment. She has 4 years experience in journalism, consulting, media design, and project management. Her passion for exploration and advocacy has given her the inspiration to pursue story-telling and art in meaningful projects. She has a degree in Communication Studies from James Madison University where she spent time researching sustainability practices and doing editorial work for a local magazine. She dreams of traveling and continuing to learn the depth of human connection.

  • Anouk Rowlandson

    Anouk is an experienced business development consultant skilled in guiding and growing start-ups and non-profits. She has assists founders with reengineering processes, content strategy, and brand identity for marketing or in combination with business development initiatives. She is currently working as an assistant curator and exhibition coordinator for the New York-based gallery Carriage Trade, and leading the volunteer programme at Couchers, a non-profit couch-surfing platform run entirely by volunteers. She has a degree in International Development from the University of Sussex which she uses to guide organisations towards long-term sustainable objects for social or environmental benefit.