Batwa Empowerment Village


To empowering more than 30% of the forgotten Forest Dwellers left after being removed from the forest.



BATWA PROJECT is a non-profit organization that aims to help more than 30% of the Batwa pygmies who were suddenly removed from their habitat in 1991 when the priority then was tourism that visited Bwindi thanks to the gorillas that are in their moutains.

 There are 7.000 Batwa in Uganda. 400 are in Kanungu district, where Bwindi is part of. The rest are living in Kisoro and Kasese. Our project is the only one in Uganda which is empowering Batwa through skills enhancement and culture preservation. Our core objective is to help our 71 Batwa friends to be part of Bwindi community or, at least, to be able to keep their families alive, healthy and educated in their new territory.

 There are many things to do but I am happy that we already overcame the take-off stage and we are enjoying the development one. I am sure that we will consolidate this plan someday but now I am more than happy to enjoy the way till there if this means that Batwa are able to live in peace and satisfied.


Ubumuntu Arts Festival


United Nations Somalia