Consejo Coordinador Nacional Indígena Salvadoreño CCNIS


Represent Salvadoran Indigenous Organizations, associates and their communities, at a national and international level and support them in the defense of their Indigenous Rights and strengthening of cultural identity and Indigenous self-esteem, accompanying them with the management and execution of development projects to improve their life conditions


To be a Salvadoran Indigenous institution with official national and international recognition, organizationally strengthened to defend Indigenous Rights, promote social, economic, cultural and spiritual development with equity in associated organizations and their communities with administrative and financial sustainability.



The CCNIS is the Salvadoran National Indigenous Coordinating Council. Founded on November 15, 1992, an instance that currently brings together twenty-six Indigenous Organizations at the National level of the Lenca and Nahua Indigenous Peoples.

The Indigenous Council of Central America CICA, is a regional organization of the Indigenous Peoples of Central America, which is governed by the cosmogonic principles of the Peoples and their traditional organizations in search of the exercise of the rights of autonomy and self-determination.

The CICA, through its national councils, facilitates, promotes and encourages, based on the demands and aspirations of the Peoples, all those actions that allow the Peoples and their communities to advance towards Good Living.


National Kriol Council

