Fatima’s Wisdom:

“Nubia is the land of peace and love”

“Ⲛⲟⲩⲡⲁ ⲥⲁⲗⲙ ⲅⲟ ⲇⲟⲩⲗⲧⲓ ⲅⲟ ⲛⲁ ⲅⲟⲩⲣ” (Nubian)

About The Nubians

Nubia is an ancient region that sits between the Nile River in modern-day Egypt and Sudan. It is considered one of Africa's earliest civilizations and was known for its strong trade links with Egypt, especially during the 25th Dynasty. Nubian culture has a rich history of art, music, and literature, as well as martial arts such as spear combat. Some forms of hieroglyphic writing have been found in Nubia dating back to 3100 BC. This makes them the earliest indigenous writing system in Africa, even predating that of Ancient Egypt. Spanning multiple generations, the Nubians have adapted to the changing environment while managing to preserve many traditional aspects of their culture. Their homes are built of mud brick, and vibrant colors like ferrous red and indigo are often used in fabric both for clothing and décor. Agriculture is still practiced traditionally as well; this includes extensive fishing from the River Nile. As a result, fish plays an important part in a Nubian family's diet and religious rituals are heavily intertwined with riverside life. In recent years, efforts have been made to protect Nubian culture from further integration into Egyptian society. This allows them to retain harmony within their communities while slowly adapting and contributing to larger, modernized cultures across the country.

About Egypt

Egypt is considered one of the oldest civilizations in the world and its history dates back over 5,000 years. Egyptian culture was shaped and influenced by several different ancient civilizations throughout its long history, including the Nubians, Greeks, Romans and others. It is one of the longest-lasting and most influential cultures in human history, responsible for innovations such as irrigation and the reign of Pharaohs. During ancient times, many advances were made in astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Noteworthy structures include the pyramids near Giza and Abu Simbel, which still stand to this day. Ancient Egyptians developed a system of writing called hieroglyphics to record their history, laws, and religious beliefs. They also developed an intricate mummification process following death; bodies were dried out with salt or oils then wrapped in layers of cloth in order to hopefully ensure eternal life after death. This practice helped explain some of the incredible findings from archeological digs by modern day archaeologists. The Great Pyramids are perhaps the most iconic reminder of Egypt’s Ancient past. Built as tombs for Kings and Queens of the Nile Valley area, they demonstrate an impressive level of engineering knowledge achieved during this time. Despite many invasions and political changes over the centuries, Egyptians still consider themselves to be one people with a shared destiny. This attitude is demonstrated through their remarkable capacity for retaining their cultural identity as well as their national pride.


Chapter 18: Egypt

Coming Soon