The Ancient Center for Culture and Knowledge


An independent cultural institution concerned with the history, culture and civilization of peoples.



This page is as it is indicated in English ANCIENT.

It means the oldest peoples of the world. And this name is basically just a historically agreed term.
And it has regulations, conditions and standards set by ancient historians.

Here are the four conditions.

1 / The geographical location of the ancient peoples is located between the Euphrates and the Nile
2 / history of religions. Or the relationship with these ancient religions is celestial or other
3 / Relationship in ancient languages, especially the heavenly (language of revelation)
4 / Relation to the Roman civilization because it ruled all the known ancient world.

Geography of the Ancient World

Trapped between the Euphrates and the Nile.. And this is the area where revelation came down exclusively. And the cradle of the sublime language is the language of all the prophets. And also the flood of Babylon And the second humanity after drowning. (The Middle East is the cradle of civilizations, such as the Pharaonic, Kushia, Assyrian, Chaldenian, Hamir and Saba.. .. Etc..)

From the north it is challenged by the two Roman and Greek civilizations, from the south Yemen and the Ethiopian Eritrean plateau. As for the old unknown world.. Kalyapan, China and The Jungle of Africa.. They were there... But their forms haven't changed. They were not affected and they did not affect anyone.. And he didn't know anything about them.


South Omo Research Center