Lauretta’s Wisdom:

“Every person, place, culture in their diversity is the essence of life, completing the world itself”

“ Ogni persona, luogo, cultura nella loro diversità, sono l’essenza della vita, a completamento del mondo stesso” (Italian)

About Medieval Reenactment

Medieval reenactment has been an important part of San Marino’s cultural preservation for years. There are groups of dedicated enthusiasts, both men and women, who strive to keep the history of the nation alive. Crossbowmen were an important part of medieval warfare, and their skills are still admired today. In San Marino, there is a reenactment group that specializes in recreating the experience of using this medieval weapon. Members of the group undergo rigorous training to learn how to properly handle and shoot a crossbow. They take care to recreate the clothing and equipment of medieval crossbowmen. In addition to providing entertainment for spectators, they also offer its members a chance to connect with their heritage and learn about a fascinating period of history. Women in San Marino are also involved in medieval reenactment. Dresses are an important part of the experience, and women take great pride in wearing them. The dresses are usually made of natural materials such as linen or wool, and they are often decorated with embroidery or other embellishments. Women also wear veils, gloves, and other accessories to complete their costumes. 

About San Marino

San Marino is a small, landlocked country surrounded by Italy on all sides. With a total area of just 24 square miles and a population of 33,000 people, San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world.  Despite its size, the nation is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world to its picturesque mountains and medieval towns. The country is also known for its production of high-quality wines and ceramic tiles.San Marino has a long and rich history dating back to ancient times. Evidence of human habitation in the region dates back to the Paleolithic era, and the first humans are believed to have settled in present-day San Marino around 1000 BC. In 301 AD, the country's founder Saint Marinus established the Republic of San Marino, making it the oldest republic in existence. Since then, San Marino has remained an independent republic. The country has a strong tradition of civic pride and love of liberty, which has helped to preserve its independence throughout the centuries. 


Chapter 11: San Marino

San Marino is the 5th smallest country in the world. Perched in the mountains with borders completely surrounded by Italy, this tiny sovereign nation is rich with Medieval history.


Francelina | Portugal


Karin | Switzerland