The Bavarian State Association for the Care of Homeland


Convey the value and importance of customs, costumes and dialects in the past and present.



Bavaria is one of the oldest states in Europe, which, as the journalist Hans Kratzer once put it so aptly in our club magazine, is overflowing with history and traditions. So it's no wonder that the concept of homeland is more deeply rooted here than in the other federal states, even if it was frowned upon for a long time after the Second World War because the National Socialists had poisoned it with their criminal ideology.

It is therefore not surprising that home care is anchored as firmly in state and society in no other federal state as in Bavaria: There are seven full-time district home caretakers and one home caregiver of the Sudeten Germans, almost three hundred honorary city and district home caretakers and countless local home caretakers. In addition to this firmly institutionalized circle of experts, there are countless associations, institutions of all kinds, groups and private individuals who work intensively in the field of home care. For example, there are now more local history museums than ever before, historical anniversaries are celebrated almost every week across the country, more and more musician-friendly inns are opening their doors again and almost every community has a local history book.

The Bavarian State Association for the Care of Homeland, founded in 1902, has not only taken care of the preservation of monuments and buildings, folk music, customs, costumes and dialect since it was founded, but also often used state funding to ensure that the relevant institutions for the care of homeland were created and that the in usually volunteers received the necessary support.

However, protecting one's homeland not only means preserving and caring for it, but also developing it responsibly. In this sense, homeland care has to face the social changes and challenges of the present and add new values ​​to the existing ones.


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